Excretion in Animals

Concept Explanation

Excretion in Animals

Excretion in animals: Many unicellular organisms like Amoeba throw out their wastes by diffusion from their body surface. Protozoans have no organs for excretion. As they live in an aquatic habitat, their wastes are eliminated by diffusion through the plasma membrane.

Simple multicellular organisms like Hydra throw out solid waste matter through their mouth. Higher multicellular organisms have well-defined specialized excretory organs. These organs could be simple tubular structures called as nephridium in flatworms and leech.

The excretory organs of insects (e.g., grasshopper, cockroach and housefly) are also tubular.They are known as Malpighian tubules.  They remove nitrogenous wastes from the body fluid and help in maintaining the water balance in the body.

In vertebrates, the main organs of excretion and maintenance of water balance are the kidneys.



Sample Questions
(More Questions for each concept available in Login)
Question : 1

Which of the following are correct ?

(a)  Many unicellular organisms like Amoeba throw out their wastes by diffusion from their body surface.

(b) Protozoans have no organs for excretion. As they live in an aquatic habitat, their wastes are eliminated by diffusion through the plasma membrane.

(c) Some amount of waste product also get excreted through skin, liver etc

Right Option : D
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Question : 2

An advantage of excreting nitrogenous wastes in the from of uric acid is that _____________

Right Option : A
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Question : 3

Many unicellular organisms like_______________________ throw out their waste by diffusion from their body surface .

Right Option : A
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